This year India has celebrated its 76th independence day as 75th Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on 15th of August. On this day, India got independence after a century long fight from Britishers. We pay tribute to all the freedom fighters from Mahatma Gandhi to Bhagat Singh, especially the unsung warrior of India who is none other than Subhash Chandra Bose and various others who got martyred in the fight for independence of the nation. After the Independence we have came so far from a scattered piece of territory to a country with fastest growing economy.
Reunification of India:
Britishers divided India into two parts i.e. the territory of India and the dominion of Pakistan. At that time every princely state has its own choice either to access to India or Pakistan and they can also be independent. Here comes the great role of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and V.P. Menon who integrated the 565 princely states of then India into a single unified country which we see today. This seems easy here but it was really a Herculean task. This included getting the hold of Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagarh.
Imagine if Reunification didn't take place then Each Indian states will be considered as a country and there will be instability in the development. Each state will be using their military to protect their territory from each other rather than building up military against China and Pakistan and the inter-state disputes will be the reason of the conflict.
Economical Condition of India:
British crown looted $45 Trillion of India and raw materials like Kohinoor and De-Industrialized India, the thumb of Indian weavers were cut off. At that time the per capita income of India was only $2.8. There was poverty and unemployment all over the nation. So at that time Indian govt. focus on rapid industrialization which included:
Green Revolution 1960(Increase in food grain production)
White Revolution 1970(To be largest milk producer)
Blue Revolution 1990(Rise in aquaculture production)
and also various schemes like Five year plans, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization of Indian Economy and most importantly the boost to be self reliant under "Make In India" initiative which has made India the fastest growing economy of the world. Currently, several global companies are tying up with India to open their manufacturing units here.
After independence, 4 out of 5 people couldn't read and the literacy rate was only 12%. Now, after implementation of schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mid Day Meal helped the students to find their way to school. Later we had only few professional institutions but now India is a pool of talent and is giving CEOs to most of the Tech. companies. The New Education Policy proposed by the govt. clearly aims for the development of skills and a specified curriculum for better learning in the institutions. The Educational infrastructure in India is already sufficient but what we need is devoted teachers, better execution of curriculum defined by the Board, quality schools in the rural areas. A proper allocation of budget and consistent policies in Education will open up several avenues for growth of students in India.
When asked about self governance of India, to then British PM Winston Churchill, he stated,
“If Independence is granted to India, power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw."
Seeing the current situation of Indian Democracy, Even kids around the world found this statement hilarious. Today, India is a secular country with the world's largest democracy.India has witnessed several legend leaders which included Subhash Chandra Bose (who laid the foundation of Indian National Army)Dr. B.R. Ambedkar(with his committee prepared The Constitution of India), Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam(Missile Man of India).Being the country of $1.4 billion population, the sanctity of the election procedure is still same and conducted without failure. Even though facing several ill phases of the country, India has build up world class infrastructure, alleviated poverty, sending Indians to space, winning gold medals etc. Today, it doesn't matter how many religions are there in India but what matters is we have UNITY IN DIVERSITY.
Countries are judged to be developed on the basis of two factors one is the GDP(Gross Domestic Product) and other is the per capita income of the country. As compared to the other countries,India is one of the fastest growing GDP but talking about the per capita income its nearly $1900 which is far away from developed countries like US with $60,000 Japan with $38,000.
For increasing the per capita income our main areas of concern should be:
1. Making India self reliant especially in the Technological and Electronic market. India has enormous population of engineers which are the source of innovation to the country. Setting up of such manufacturing units and industries will result in the employment and decrease poverty. Recently, Indian firms has successfully prepared semi-conductor chips in India which can be a source of employment for the country and the establishment of 5G network across India is already on the go.
2. India is heavily dependent on conventional sources of energy and a huge chunk of Indian money wastes in importing petroleum, coal and natural gases. On the other hand India is looking forward to switch to green fuels (like green hydrogen, ethanol blended petroleum, electric cars) to reduce the carbon emission and dependency on oil. If India is enable to find the most effective method of production of green hydrogen and segregate it from its other forms then this can heavily benefit India.
3. Investment in Infrastructure across India will not only make it more potential for Foreign Investments but also make it way for creating employment. Urbanizing the rural population of India will help the farmers to come to the cities and also decrease Disguised unemployment as India's farming population is so prominent. This migrated population from the village will get a job in manufacturing in the city that result in the contribution to the economy.
The biggest asset of a country is its youth and India has the biggest youth population in the world, but our most of the youth is going towards a job to get a stable lifestyle while on the hand the youth that India requires is who sees the world from different mindset and rather than seeking for jobs they create jobs. The no. of start ups and unicorns in India are increasing day by day and according to several economist, in just 10-15 yrs the expected per capita income of the country will be 10,000 USD and India will achieve the $5 trillion economy by 2027.Most of the journalists and bureaucrats sometimes compare the development between India and Pakistan, as both the countries got the independence at the same time but the irony is that Pakistan is no where in the race towards developments. India should focus on itself more and compete with countries who had got independence after India and still they're developed.
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